Integrative Stuttering Therapy
for sensitive kids
Stop worrying and find a solution for your child's stutter today.

My name is Lauren Brown.
I'm a paediatric speech pathologist and childhood stuttering specialist with 14 years experience
and a passion for a holistic ‘whole child’ approach to stuttering therapy.
Certified Practising Speech Pathologist.
Specialisation in stuttering treatments, including Lidcombe training.
Holistic training in nutrition, play therapy, neurodiversity and high sensitivity.
For years I worked with children who stuttered in the traditional way I was trained to do.
The problem was, progress was often fraught with setbacks, regressions and frustration.
I knew there had to be a solution and I dedicated myself to find it.
Through years of clinical observation, deep diving into the research and analysing the recurring patterns,
I recognised the need for an integrative and holistic approach to this unique area of speech and language development.
Being able to guide families from stress and uncertainty back to calm confidence, is one of the best parts of my life.
When to seek support?
Many children who start stuttering will grow out of it without treatment. Unfortunately it's difficult to know which children will and which children will not. There are a number of RED FLAGS you can use to help you to know if you should seek support now.
Look out for any of these indicators.
Stuttering for more than 6 months
A family history of stuttering
A sensitive temperament
Secondary facial or body movements with
Distress in child or parent

You don't need to be a speech therapist to support your child's fluency.
Feel empowered with the knowledge to know exactly what to do.
Stop waiting and worrying and take action now.
Take control by implementing the very best integrative, expert designed program available today.

1:1 Services for Australian families

Initial Consult
This session will give you a deeper understanding of the cause and nature of stuttering, your child’s individual stuttering behaviours and empower you with the knowledge of what you can do about it.
In your initial 75 minute consultation we will gather all the relevant information about your child’s developmental and communication history and the nature and severity of your child’s stutter. This session will largely be carried out alone with you the parent, with a portion of time allocated for talking with your child to observe their stuttering behaviours. Once we gather all the important information, we will then discuss your child’s eligibility for treatment and what you need to know about the Lidcombe Program.

Treatment Session
Treatment sessions are designed to teach you the parent how to treat your child's stutter everyday from the comfort of your home.
In your follow up 45 minute treatment sessions you will learn to track your child's individual stutter and how to tailor the Lidcombe Program specifically to your child's fluency and sensitivity needs. You will attend these sessions with your child, which will allow you to demonstrate how your home practice has been working between sessions and provide the opportunity to practice with your child with the books and toys your child loves with the support of my expert guidance.
Get in Touch
To find out more or book an appointment for your child.
Enter your email below to receive your free copy

0409 222 166